A Community of Imagination and Resistance
Mission: To love, dream, and fight for a different world through the cultivation of a community built on Imagination and Resistance.
Vision: To see the cultivation of a community that organizes itself around shared practices and values that spring forth from a commitment to the struggle for liberation against the evils of oppression, exploitation, and alienation through acts of solidarity and mutual aid.
Story: Jubilee House is a dream about what it means to collectively struggle for a different world. A world free of the evils of racism, oppression, and alienation. Jubilee House is a dream of a radically different future for Walker County, a future shaped by jubilee (Leviticus 25, Isaiah 61:1-12, Luke 4:18-19) in which the material and spiritual needs of the most vulnerable and marginalized are met through acts of mutual solidarity.
Gustavo Gutierrez once said, “Every attempt to evade the struggle against alienation and the violence of the powerful and for a more just and more human world is the greatest infidelity to God. To know God is to work for justice. There is no other path to reach God.” For us, Jubilee House is our attempt to be faithful to the struggle for a more just world by facing the evils of racism, oppression, and alienation head on, starting with Walker County, Alabama.
We do not see ourselves as saviors or heroes, but rather as those willing to bear witness to the reality that the Spirit of Liberation is already present, working in and among those who are the most marginalized (BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and the poor) in our towns and communities.
We have a long road ahead of us, but we know that a different world is possible and we are left with no other choice but to love, dream, and fight for it. For our future.